End to End Data Engineering Project: Dbt With BigQuery and Github

1️⃣ Set Up Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and BigQuery

📌 Step 1: Create a Google Cloud Account

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console
  2. Sign in or create a new account.
  3. Set up billing (Google provides $300 free credits).

📌 Step 2: Enable BigQuery API

  1. In Google Cloud Console, open the Navigation MenuBigQuery.
  2. Click Enable API if it’s not enabled.

2️⃣ Create a BigQuery Dataset

A dataset is a container for your tables.

📌 Step 1: Create a Dataset

  1. Open BigQuery Console
  2. Click + Create Dataset
  3. Set:
    • Dataset ID: your_dataset
    • Location: US
  4. Click Create Dataset

3️⃣ Generate a Large Dataset (1M+ rows)

Now, let’s create a sales dataset with 1 million random records.

📌 Step 1: Run the SQL in BigQuery

  1. In BigQuery Console, open SQL Editor.
  2. Run the following query:
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE your_project.your_dataset.raw_sales AS
WITH raw_data AS (
    GENERATE_UUID() AS order_id,
    ARRAY<STRING>['Laptop', 'Phone', 'Tablet', 'Headphones', 'Monitor'][OFFSET(CAST(FLOOR(RAND() * 5) AS INT64))] AS product_name,
    CAST(FLOOR(RAND() * 7000 + 100) AS INT64) AS amount,
    ARRAY<STRING>['USA', 'UK', 'Canada', 'Germany', 'France'][OFFSET(CAST(FLOOR(RAND() * 5) AS INT64))] AS country,
    DATE_ADD(DATE '2024-01-01', INTERVAL CAST(FLOOR(RAND() * 365) AS INT64) DAY) AS order_date,
    CAST(FLOOR(RAND() * 100) AS INT64) AS discount
  FROM UNNEST(GENERATE_ARRAY(1, 1000000))  -- Generates 1 Million Rows
SELECT * FROM raw_data;
  1. Click Run

✅ This creates a 1M+ row table (raw_sales) in BigQuery.

4️⃣ Install and Configure dbt for BigQuery

📌 Step 1: Install dbt

  1. Open a terminal (Mac, Linux, or Windows using WSL/Powershell).
  2. Run:
pip install dbt-bigquery

5️⃣ Initialize a dbt Project

📌 Step 1: Create a New dbt Project

dbt init sales_analytics
cd sales_analytics

✅ This creates a new dbt project folder.

6️⃣ Connect dbt to BigQuery

📌 Step 1: Authenticate dbt with Google Cloud

  1. In the terminal, run:

gcloud auth application-default login
  1. Select your Google Cloud account and allow access.
  2. Now dbt can connect to BigQuery! ✅

7️⃣ Write dbt Models (SQL Transformations)

📌 Step 1: Create Macros

What Are dbt Macros?

A macro in dbt is a function written in Jinja that generates SQL dynamically.
Think of it like a SQL template that you can reuse across multiple models.

👉 Instead of repeating SQL logic in different models, use a macro once and call it anywhere.

📄 File: macros/dynamic_partition.sql

{% macro dynamic_partition(column_name, interval) %}
        WHEN DATE({{ column_name }}) >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 1 {{ interval }}) THEN 'recent'
        ELSE 'historical'
    END AS partition_group
{% endmacro %}

Dynamically partitions sales data.

📌 Step 2: Create dbt Models

📄 File: models/staging/stg_sales.sql

{{ config(materialized='view') }}

    {{ dynamic_partition('order_date', 'MONTH') }}  -- Dynamic partitioning
FROM `your_project.your_dataset.raw_sales`

Reads from BigQuery’s raw_sales table.

📄 File: models/marts/sales_final.sql

    COUNT(order_id) AS total_orders,
    SUM(amount) AS total_revenue,
    {{ dynamic_partition('order_date', 'MONTH') }} 
FROM {{ ref('stg_sales') }}
GROUP BY 1, 2, 5

Aggregates sales by country and product.

8️⃣ Run dbt Pipeline in BigQuery

Run the following commands:

dbt debug  # Test connection
dbt run  # Run transformations in BigQuery
dbt test  # Validate models
dbt docs generate && dbt docs serve  # View documentation

✅ dbt now runs SQL directly in BigQuery! 🎯

9️⃣ Test and Document Your dbt Project

📌 Step 1: Add Tests in schema.yml

📄 File: models/schema.yml

version: 2

  - name: sales_final
    description: "Final sales model with aggregated revenue"
      - not_null:
          column_name: country
      - not_null:
          column_name: total_orders

Ensures data quality in dbt.

Set up a GitHub repository for your dbt project

✅ Step 1: Initialize Git in Your Project Folder

Navigate to your dbt project folder and run:

cd ~/sales_analytics  # Go to your project folder
git init  # Initialize a Git repository

This will create a .git directory to track your project.

✅ Step 2: Create a .gitignore File

Ensure you don’t commit sensitive files by creating a .gitignore:

nano .gitignore

Add these lines:

# Ignore dbt logs and compiled files

# Ignore Google Cloud credentials

Save and exit (CTRL + X, then Y, then Enter).

✅ Step 3: Create a GitHub Repository

Run this command to create a repo on GitHub (replace your-repo-name with a real name):

gh repo create your-repo-name --public --source=. --remote=origin

If you don’t have GitHub CLI (gh) installed, you can manually create a repo on GitHub and follow the instructions to add a remote:

git remote add origin https://github.com/your-username/your-repo-name.git

✅ Step 4: Create a README.md File


nano README.md

Paste this:

# Jinja Advanced Sales - dbt + BigQuery Project 🚀

This project demonstrates advanced **Jinja macros** in dbt, working with **BigQuery**, and handling **1M+ records** dynamically.

## 📌 Features
- ✅ **Dynamic SQL with Jinja** in dbt models
- ✅ **BigQuery integration** with dbt
- ✅ **Airflow DAG** for automated pipeline execution
- ✅ **1M+ sales records** for testing

## 🚀 Setup Instructions

### 1️⃣ Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repo-name.git
cd your-repo-name

2️⃣ Set up dbt

pip install dbt-bigquery

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