Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster
Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster

Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster with Powerful Network Policies in 2024

Kubernetes Network Policy is a set of rules that define how network traffic flows within a Kubernetes cluster. It is used to control and secure communication between pods and services in a Kubernetes cluster.

Network policies allow administrators to define rules based on the source and destination pods, IP addresses, ports, and protocols. These rules can be used to allow or block traffic between different pods or services based on their labels, namespaces, or other attributes.

To use network policies in Kubernetes, you must have a network plugin that supports the NetworkPolicy API. Network policies in Kubernetes are implemented by the network plugin, and creating a NetworkPolicy resource will not have any effect if no controller implements it.

In this article, you will know why we would need to implement security policies in a Kubernetes cluster and how they affect the network flow within the cluster. You will learn how to apply a network policy in a Kubernetes cluster and control traffic based on namespaces. In addition to clarifying network concepts like Ingress, Egress, and Container Network Plugin (CNI).

Why you should use Network Policy in Kubernetes

There are several reasons why you should use network policies in Kubernetes:

  • Improved security: Network policies provide an additional layer of security by allowing you to restrict network traffic between pods in a Kubernetes cluster. With network policies, you can ensure that only authorized pods are allowed to communicate with each other and that traffic is limited to specific ports and protocols.
  • Compliance: Network policies can help you meet compliance requirements by providing a way to control traffic flow within your cluster. For example, you can use network policies to ensure that sensitive data is only accessible by authorized pods, which can help you meet regulatory requirements for data privacy.
  • Resource optimization: Network policies can help you optimize resource usage within your cluster by controlling the flow of network traffic. By limiting traffic between pods, you can reduce network congestion and improve the performance of your cluster.
  • Troubleshooting: Network policies can also be useful for troubleshooting network-related issues within your cluster. By restricting traffic flow between pods, you can isolate issues and identify the root cause of problems more quickly. Next we will get a closer look on the key features of Kubernetes network policies.

What are the features of Kubernetes Network Policy

Here are some of the features that are supported by Kubernetes network policy:

  • Namespaced resources: Network policies are defined as Kubernetes objects and are applied to a specific namespace. This allows you to control traffic flow between pods in different namespaces.
  • Additive: In Kubernetes, network policies are additive. This means that if you create multiple policies that select the same pod, all the rules specified in each policy will be combined and applied to the pod.
  • Label-based traffic selection: Kubernetes network policies allow you to select traffic based on pod labels. This provides a flexible way to control traffic flow within your cluster.
  • Protocol and port selection: You can use network policies to specify which protocols (TCP-UDP-SCTP) and ports are allowed for incoming and outgoing traffic. This helps to ensure that only authorized traffic is allowed between pods.
  • Integration with network plugins: Kubernetes network policies are implemented by network plugins. This allows you to use the network plugin of your choice and take advantage of its features and capabilities.

Overall, Kubernetes network policies provide a powerful tool for managing network traffic within a Kubernetes cluster. They provide an additional layer of security to your cluster and your traffic flow.

Network concepts you need to know

Before going through a demo, it is important to know about the below network concepts:

  • Ingress: As a concept, it is the act of entering. As an implementation in Kubernetes Network Policy, It is a policy type and it provides a way to manage incoming network traffic to your cluster and your pods.
  • Egress: As a concept, it is the act of going out or leaving. As an implementation in Kubernetes Network Policy, It is a policy type and it provides a way to manage outgoing network traffic from your cluster and your pods.
  • Container Network Interface (CNI): It is a standard for configuring networking for container runtime platforms, including Kubernetes. CNI provides a set of plugins that allow different networking solutions to integrate with Kubernetes. A CNI plugin is responsible for setting up the networking for each Kubernetes pod. When a pod is created, Kubernetes calls the CNI plugin to allocate an IP address and set up the necessary network interfaces and routes. CNI plugins can be used to implement network connectivity between workloads and network policies. Some examples of CNI plugins that can be used in Kubernetes include Calico and Cilium.

Next, you will work on a demo to apply different network policies to a Kubernetes cluster and you will see how the above concepts will be used.

Applying Network Policies to Control Traffic between Namespaces (Demo)

Now let’s proceed with a demo to apply network policies to a Kubernetes cluster. We will limit traffic from/to pods in different namespaces using namespace and pod selectors.

Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster

The above diagram shows an overview of Kubernetes components that will be created during the demo. You will create 3 namespaces (frontend, backend and db) and attach a network policy to each namespace to control the incoming (Ingress) and outgoing(Egress) traffic.

To proceed, you should have the following prerequisites:

  • Up and running Kubernetes cluster with CNI plugin enabled.
  • Installation of Kubectl.

In case you run the demo on EKS, then the Amazon VPC CNI plugin will be installed by default to the Kubernetes cluster. In the case of AKS, the kubenet CNI plugin will be installed by default.

Pods Communication Across Different Namespaces

Our goal in this section is to check the default connectivity between pods in different namespaces before applying any network policies. Let’s create 3 namespaces (frontend, backend, and db) and label these namespaces as below:

$kubectl create ns frontend
$kubectl label namespace frontend ns=frontend
$kubectl create ns backend
$kubectl label namespace backend ns=backend
$kubectl create ns db
$kubectl label namespace db ns=db

These labels will be used later in our network policies to specify a namespace to filter traffic based on its label.

Also you need to label kube-system namespace which contains the core components of the Kubernetes cluster, as this label will be used later in a network policy to allow communication to coredns pod in kube-system namespace which acts as the DNS in the Kubernetes cluster.

$kubectl label namespace kube-system contains=coredns

For ease, we will run nginx pods in each namespace. This is to have a simple application running curl these applications’ endpoints and test the connectivity. Feel free to run whatever app you want to run across different namespaces.

$kubectl run frontend --image=nginx -n frontend
$kubectl run backend --image=nginx -n backend
$kubectl run db --image=nginx -n db

Make sure the pods are up and running in each namespace. Note that each pod is created with a default label which will be used later to select these pods.

$kubectl get pods -n frontend --show-labels
$kubectl get pods -n backend --show-labels
$kubectl get pods -n db --show-labels
kubectl get pods

Then, we will expose each pod internally through service resources as below. This is to be able to communicate with the applications running on pods through Kubernetes services. Because in real-life scenarios, pods are not communicating directly but through service resources.

$kubectl expose pod frontend --name=frontend-svc -n frontend --port=80
$kubectl expose pod backend --name=backend-svc -n backend --port=80
$kubectl expose pod db --name=db-svc -n db --port=80

Also, check that the service has been applied as expected

$kubectl get svc -n frontend
$kubectl get svc -n backend
$kubectl get svc -n db
kubectl get svc

After applying the above commands, you will be able to communicate with nginx applications through frontend-svc, backend-svc, and db-svc services.

Now let’s try to test the connectivity to the backend application inside the backend namespace from the frontend application inside the frontend namespace.

$kubectl -n frontend exec frontend -- curl backend-svc.backend

The above command is following this pattern: kubectl -n <SOURCE_NAMESPACE> exec <SOURCE_POD_NAME> -- curl <TARGET_SERVICE_NAME>.<TARGET_NAMESPACE>

For more information about pod and service DNS, you can check this article.

You should be able to see that it is a successful connection. This means that access is allowed by default between pods in different namespaces.

Welcome to Nginx

Applying Network Policy to Deny All Traffic Across Namespaces

So far, we have created 3 namespaces, deployed an application on each namespace, and exposed these applications internally via Kubernetes services. In this section, we will deny all traffic between namespaces, which is one of the security best practices in Kubernetes. In the next section, we will allow outgoing (Egress) and incoming (Ingress) traffic only for certain services based on specific labels.

Network policies will be created in YAML files and then applied via kubectl commands. Next, you will create and apply a network policy to deny all traffic between pods in different namespaces.

Create a new file name deny_all.yaml and place the following YAML content inside:

kind: NetworkPolicy
 name: deny
 namespace: frontend
 podSelector: {}
 - Egress
 - Ingress
 - from:
   - podSelector: {}
 - to:
   - podSelector: {}
kind: NetworkPolicy
 name: deny
 namespace: backend
 podSelector: {}
 - Egress
 - Ingress
 - from:
   - podSelector: {}
 - to:
   - podSelector: {}
kind: NetworkPolicy
 name: deny
 namespace: db
 podSelector: {}
 - Egress
 - Ingress
 - from:
   - podSelector: {}
 - to:
   - podSelector: {}

This is a YAML definition for a network policy that will be applied to frontend, backend, and db namespaces, to block all incoming and outgoing traffic from the namespace. Let’s go through each section of this YAML file:

  • apiVersion: This specifies the version of the Kubernetes networking API that the network policy is using. In our demo, we’re using
  • kind: This specifies the kind of Kubernetes object that we’re creating. In our demo, we’re creating a NetworkPolicy.
  • metadata: This section provides metadata about the network policy, such as its name and the namespace that this resource will be applied to.
  • spec: This section contains the actual network policy rules.
  • podSelector: This specifies which pods the policy applies to. In our demo, we’re applying the policy to all pods. That’s why we didn’t mention any pod selectors in spec/podSelector the section.
  • policyTypes: This specifies the types of traffic that the policy applies to. In our demo, we want to control Ingress (incoming) and Egress (outgoing) traffic.
  • ingress: This section defines the rules for incoming traffic.
  • from: This specifies the source of the incoming traffic. In our case, the podSelector is empty which means denying all incoming traffic.
  • egress: This section defines the rules for outgoing traffic.
  • to: This specifies the destination of the outgoing traffic. In our case, the podSelector is empty which means denying all outgoing traffic.

A network policy with these configurations will deny all traffic between pods in the frontend, backend, and db namespaces. Let’s apply and then test these configurations.

To apply the above network policies, you can use the below command:

$kubectl apply -f deny_all.yaml

Then let’s rerun the same kubectl exec command to test the connectivity between pods in frontend and backend namespaces:

$kubectl -n frontend exec frontend -- curl backend-svc.backend
kubectl exec command

As you see, it doesn’t work this time because we applied a network policy to deny all outgoing traffic from the frontend namespace. So the frontend pod is not able to communicate with coredns the pod in kube-system namespace to resolve the backend service dns record.

In the next section, we will apply another network policy to allow incoming and outgoing traffic between certain pods and certain namespaces based on labels. Let’s do it.

Allowing Ingress and Egress traffic Between pods Across different Namespaces

In this section, you will apply another network policy to allow traffic from frontend namespace to backend namespace and from backend namespace to db namespace.


As mentioned in the above diagram, we need apply the Egress network policy in frontend namespace, Ingress, and Egress network policies in backend namespace and Ingress network policy in db namespace.

Our goal in this section is to allow traffic from the frontend namespace only to the backend namespace, and from the backend namespace only to the db namespace. So pods in the frontend namespace can’t communicate with pods in the db namespace and this is how we limit the traffic between namespaces.

Create a new file allow_frontend_egress.yaml and place the following YAML content inside:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: frontend
  namespace: frontend
      run: frontend
  - Egress
  - to:
    - namespaceSelector:
          ns: backend
    - podSelector:
          run: backend

So the above network policy will be applied in the frontend namespace to the pods with labels run=frontend as mentioned in spec/podSelection section. It will apply an Egress policy to allow outgoing traffic to run pods in backend namespace labeled with run=backend

Apply the network policy with the below command

$ kubectl apply -f allow_frontend_egress.yaml

Then you create another YAML file for the network policy which will be applied to the backend namespace.

Create a new file allow_backend_ingress_egress.yaml and place the following YAML content inside:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: backend
  namespace: backend
      run: backend
  - Ingress
  - Egress
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
          ns: frontend
    - podSelector:
          run: frontend
  - to:
    - namespaceSelector:
          ns: db
    - podSelector:
          run: db

This policy will be applied in backend namespace to pods with label run=backend as mentioned in spec/podSelector section. It will allow ingress traffic from pods with label run=frontend in frontend namespace. And will allow egress traffic to pods with label run=db in db namespace

Apply the network policy with the below command

$ kubectl apply -f allow_backend_ingress_egress.yaml

Next, you will allow ingress (incoming) traffic to the db pod from backend pods, which can be applied through the below network policy.

Create a new file allow_db_ingress.yaml and place the following YAML content inside:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: db
  namespace: db
      run: db
  - Ingress
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
          ns: backend
    - podSelector:
          run: backend

This policy will be applied in db namespace to pods with label run=db as mentioned in spec/podSelector section. It will allow ingress traffic from pods with label run=backend in backend namespace.

Apply the network policy with the below command

$ kubectl apply -f allow_db_ingress.yaml

The final step in this section is to allow frontend pods and backend pods to communicate with coredns pod in kube-system namespace, to be able to resolve services DNS names.

Create a new file allow_frontend_backend_egress_dns.yaml and place the following YAML content inside:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: all-pods-egress-allow-dns
  namespace: frontend
  podSelector: {}
  - Egress
    - to:
      - namespaceSelector:
            contains: coredns
            k8s-app: kube-dns
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: all-pods-egress-allow-dns
  namespace: backend
  podSelector: {}
  - Egress
    - to:
      - namespaceSelector:
            contains: coredns
            k8s-app: kube-dns

Apply the network policy with the below command

$ kubectl apply -f allow_frontend_backend_egress_dns.yaml

Now let’s execute different commands to make sure the network policies are working as expected.

  • Let’s check access between frontend and backend namespaces.
$ kubectl exec frontend -n frontend -- curl backend-svc.backend
Access Allowed
  • Access between frontend and db namespaces.
$ kubectl exec frontend -n frontend -- curl db-svc.db
Access Denied
  • Access between backend and db namespaces.
Access Allowed

As you see traffic is now moving between pods across namespaces as we configured. You can apply more tests through the below additional commands:

$ kubectl -n backend exec backend -- curl frontend-svc.frontend ## denied
$ kubectl -n db exec db  -- curl backend-svc.backend ##denied


By using network policies, organizations can ensure that their Kubernetes workloads are isolated, protected, and compliant with industry standards and best practices. However, implementing network policies can be complex and requires careful planning and testing. Overall, network policies are an essential component of any Kubernetes security strategy and should be carefully considered and implemented to ensure the safety and integrity of your cluster.

In this article, you have learned about network policies in Kubernetes and general network concepts like Ingress, Egress, and CNI. In addition to applying multiple network policies with different conditions to fulfill certain network requirements. Read more about Kubernetes Manual Installation.